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Telematics and battery health monitoring

We like to work as a partner with companies of a similar ethos and culture as ours.  In this time of limited driving, our technology gurus (in particular Dr Gordon, who deserves the credit) discussed telematics and battery health monitoring and began tracking battery health in our insurers motor books.  Having implemented a communication effort, ByMiles received this testimonial on TrustPilot:


The text reads:

“I picked ‘ByMiles’ as my motor insurer this year for the following reasons:

  1. No ifs or buts, a straight informative quotation laying everything out from the beginning.
  2. A sensible quotation that deals with the individual drivers need and not a block comparison of drivers.
  3. An offer of improving my cover with add on options at a reasonable price.
  4. A simple system of paying for a BASIC POLICY, then your mileage covered, month by month unlike other companies that charge unrealistic costs.

What I did not expect, is the interaction between myself and the people who DO look after you, advising you by email, if something is wrong or about to go wrong before you even realise it. Because they monitor your vehicle 24/7. Due to the current inactivity (enforced isolation), I have not used my car for weeks, but ‘ByMiles’ contacted me and warned me my battery was needing a good charge, which I have done, but did not know about it until they told me. That’s what I call good service and I am recommending ‘ByMiles’ to my friends because of these reasons.”

Right thing, right time

We would like to think that this is about right thing at the right time for the right reasons.  Our thanks to James and team, to Dr Gordon (again), and go turn that engine over!

Telematics and battery health monitoring: yet another helpful benefit of using telematics in insurance.