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A recent REDTAIL commissioned survey suggests insurers could indeed be doing more to promote the benefits of telematics data.

The findings from our recent survey conducted by YouGov and commissioned by Redtail, reveal that insurers should be doing more to educate UK drivers about the benefits of having telematics-based insurance.  Responses from the survey indicated that UK drivers just aren’t aware of the many potential advantages that can come with having telematics policies.  The responses speak for themselves;

As Redtail Telematics CEO, Dr Colin Smithers, explained, “not only can safety be improved, and premiums therefore lowered, but the long tail of lost no-claims discounts can also be avoided” with the help of the quality data that can be derived from telematics devices.

With such a high potential saving for both insurers and consumers, it is so surprising that telematics is still seen as such a niche part of most car insurance businesses.  Surely these potential savings should be enough to motivate insurers to encourage UK drivers to opt for telematics-based policies, so why isn’t more being done to promote the benefits?


You can read the full article on the Redtail/YouGov survey findings here.