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Redtail has been developing a 48v vehicle tracking system for use-cases such as golf cart performance.

We recently had a golf cart arrive at our head office just outside Cambridge for our developers to play with perform some more in-depth testing.


While en-route to our head office in the UK, the device fitted to the golf cart actually tracked its journey.  Why not take a look?!



The golf cart started its journey in Reedsburg, Illinois, US, and spent a > 4,500-mile long journey making its way to us.  Unfortunately, the golf cart battery ran out mid-voyage so only managed to track as far as leaving the US.  It’s something outside our little black box’s control but it was fun tracking it while we could.  Indeed, we work tirelessly to ensure our devices are top quality but we can’t control all external forces!

However, we can track your vehicle’s battery health and inform you if it looks like your battery needs a check.  A VERY handy tool that’s been particularly useful during the pandemic!  With our 48v tracking system, we hope to expand this use-case to other vehicles now too.



With so many not using our vehicles regularly, it’s reassuring to know our little tracker is looking out for us.

While we might not have been able to track the golf cart’s journey, it did arrive safely at its destination.  And, of course, we were happy to receive it!  In fact, some might argue that the fun didn’t actually start until the golf cart reached our offices…



How do you get a golf cart off of a lorry?  Sounds like a simple question with a simple answer, but what if you can’t find the right tools?

Well, funny story, we ended up in an unusual situation when the golf cart turned up on the back of a lorry.  A bit of a misunderstanding meant the golf cart was delivered on a lorry without a forklift onboard.  Consequently, some of our Redtail staff went on a little adventure trying to track one down from one of our neighbouring local businesses.

Thankfully, a local engineering firm was able to help us out.  So the golf cart went on a little extra adventure.  The lorry driver drove from the Redtail office to a nearby industrial estate where the forklift was used to offload the golf cart.



Remember I mentioned earlier that the golf cart battery had gone flat in transit?  Well, that added an extra obstacle when trying to get the golf cart back to the Redtail office.

As a result, we managed to find a local garage that was able to put the cart on a transporter and bring it back.  Luckily, it made it back to us again.  In one piece and fairly quickly, all things considering.

Plus, everyone involved now has a fun and entertaining story to tell… which we hope you enjoyed reading.

And here is a photo of the aforementioned golf cart sitting happily on the transporter in the Redtail office car park.  See looks happy sitting there in the afternoon sun having enjoyed a nice little adventure, right?



Now, the next chapter of fun can begin looking at our 48v tracking… watch this space!

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, I just want to say how grateful we at Redtail are for all the help we received from everyone involved in our little adventure.