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Insurers do not promote the benefits of telematics insurance!

Recently, Redtail Telematics/YouGov conducted a survey on consumer perspectives on car insurance.  Interestingly, the results revealed that insurers do not promote the savings and benefits of telematics-based motor insurance to their customers.

Redtail Press Release

  • In fact, only 4% of respondents have received any communication from their insurer to discuss a telematics-based insurance policy
  • Furthermore, insurers had not told 76% of respondents the benefits of telematics-based motor insurance
  • On average, drivers saved around £300 a year when they switched to By Miles

Redtail devices and services are used by Acorn, Admiral, By Miles, CalAmp, Concirrus, ingenie, JLR, KOBA, LoJack and TRACKER UK among others. Visit to find out more.