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Halloween will soon be upon us.  If you’re like us, you’re probably wondering how to stay safe when driving this Halloween.

So we decided to put together some tips on how to stay safe on the roads when driving on Halloween.

Hopefully, the tips included below will help you remain safe on the roads during Halloween!


Tips for drivers to ensure road safety on Halloween:

  • Drive slowly in and around residential areas, even if you don’t see trick-or-treaters around
  • Don’t pass stopped vehicles that may be loading or unloading passengers
  • Find a safe location to pull over if you drop off or pick up your kids. Somewhere children can exit at the curb and away from traffic


  • If you pull over for any reason, always signal and turn on your hazard lights (helpful advice whatever the situation)
  • Pull into and out of driveways slowly
  • Turn your headlights on well before sunset to make your vehicle as visible as possible
  • Watch for children who may suddenly run out into the street
  • Be especially careful between 4 and 8 p.m., when most severe vehicle/young pedestrian collisions happen on Halloween


  • Remove potential distractions in your vehicle that could pose an extra risk
    • Don’t use a cell/mobile phone while driving
    • Turn your radio down or, better yet, turn it off completely
    • Disable any Bluetooth devices such as Bluetooth headset
    • Keep your children’s treat bags away and safe to prevent the risk of distraction
  • If you wear your costume while driving, ensure the costume doesn’t interfere with your ability to drive safely. This includes limited visibility from masks and odd or uncomfortable footwear
  • Similarly, ensure children wearing their costumes can still be safely secured in their car seat or with a seat belt!



  • Lastly but possibly most importantly, DON’T drink and drive – advice you should ALWAYS follow!
    • According to NHTSA, 41% of motor vehicle deaths on Halloween between 2014 and 2018 resulted from drunk driving crashes
    • Furthermore, approximately one-third of all crash fatalities in the U.S are drunk driving-related
    • Don’t contribute to that increasing statistic – help reduce it! Don’t get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking, especially on Halloween

Hopefully, you’ve found some or all of these tips helpful in considering road safety this Halloween.

Happy Halloween and safe trick-or-treating!!
